Friday, June 5, 2009

Opel Engine Tuning Guide

The Opel ignition timing 2 is designed to be set at TDC (Top Dead Center). How to Verify #1 TDC Camshaft Sprocket Timing Generally, if an engine ran (without backfiring) prior to a tune-up, it can be presumed the timing marks are probably in alignment. If the engine doesn’t run, or backfires on cranking. Opel Distributor Installation & Adjustment. Once the engine timing marks are confirmed to be properly aligned, then the distributor rotor should be located where it is pointing at the mark on its housing for the firing position for the #1 cylinder. Opel CIH Ignition Point/Dwell Adjustment. Procedure: Unscrew the “hold-down” screw, remove clip to condenser, and remove point-set from distributor. Inspect the contact surfaces, to check for a flat surface or pitting. (In most tune-ups, standard procedure is to just replace the point-set and condenser altogether). Rotate engine (with a 19mm wrench on the crankshaft pulley bolt, or by engaging 2nd gear and pushing the car backwards), until the rubbing block of the point set rests easily upon the “top” of a shaft lobe. The Intake Manifold uses studs with two thread pitches. 1.25mm pitch into the manifold, and 1.0 pitch for the carburetor mounting nut. The smooth portion of the stud helps to prevent vacuum leaks. Weber Carburetor Adjustment Procedure. First, perform the various engine tests & adjustments; Compression, Points, Timing, Vacuum, etc. If equipped with an automatic transmission, also adjust the “Kickdown” detent cable. (See Opel factory service manual for instructions).


[Source: Ebooksquad]

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