Friday, September 25, 2009

Honda Develops New Personal Mobility Device

Honda has unveiled a new personal mobility concept called the U3-X.

Essentially a fancy Segway unicycle, the U3-X features the world's first omni-directional driving wheel system (dubbed Honda Omni Traction Drive System). Combined with Honda's balance control technology, the device promises to be safe and user friendly.

The U3-X "fits comfortably between the rider's legs" (it has a seat), and allows them to move forward, backward, side-to-side, and diagonally. To speed up, slow down, stop, or change directions, riders simply shift their upper body weight in the direction they want to go.

Weighing less than 10kg (22 lbs), the device is powered by a small lithium-ion battery that provides one hour of operation.

While the U3-X is just a concept, Honda says they will conduct real-world testing to verify the practicality of the device.

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