Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tokyo Debut: Toyota FT-EV II Electric Vehicle Revealed Ahead

Toyota released first details about the Toyota FT-EV II earlier today. The Future Toyota Electric Vehicle II concept is meant to be a daily driver capable of low-level highway speeds.Running on lithium-ion batteries, the vehicle is capable of taking passengers a distance of 90 kilometers on a single charge. Top speed is 100 km/h, which is just enough to stay in the slow lanes on the freeway.The manufacturer did not release details about recharge time and motor size. The weight of the FT-EV II was also not released.Its interior was designed to be "retro-futuristic," which seems like an oxymoran at first. However, taking a look at the provided interior picture, the car looks like something that could have been storyboarded in the late-1970s, or possibly earlier, as a "car of the future." It has no foot pedals or steering wheel. Instead, the vehicle appears to be controlled by two control levers when the car is not on auto-pilot.Auto-pilot functions are meant to go beyond navigation. The FT-EV II can automatically download audio/visual content specifically geared towards the individuals in the car. Once plugged in at home, the vehicle can upload its content to a central computer.
Meanwhile, the vehicle's exterior is very much an evolution on the first FT-EV. This car appears to give more headroom, and more space in the back. A shorter nose means the windshield is flatter, and less angled. The front bumper was also redesigned. No pictures of the new concept's rear were provided.
Toyota will debut the new Toyota FT-EV II concept at the Tokyo Motor Show at the end of October.

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