Tuesday, June 23, 2009

VIDEO: Top Gear Reveals The Stig

The first episode of the thirteenth season of Top Gear that aired on BBC on Sunday, June 21st, started with a big bang as Jeremy Clarkson unmasked 'The Stig' revealing his true identity in front of a live audience. However, whether the mystery has finally been solved is still up for debate - you can't be certain with these chaps, perhaps it's another prank from Clarkson and his fellow presenters, who cares knows. What's not up for discussion is the marvelous marketing strategy behind Top Gear. But anyway, we not going to spoil the surprise for you - no, it's not Susan Boyle. Hit the jump to find out the identify of 'The Stig' and tell us what you think.

[Via: Carscoop]

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