Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2010 Chevrolet Camaro Convertible: Drop-Top Variant by NCE

With GM's problems far from solved even after the company's exit from bankruptcy, the convertible version of the new Camaro is if not under question, definitely not a top priority at this moment. But for those Chevy fans that just can't wait, the chopsters of all four-wheel models at California's Newport Convertible Engineering (NCE) are readying a soft-top variant of the 2010 Camaro.

As you can see in the photo gallery below, the Camaro Convertible project is still under development but the company said that it is already taking orders for the car. Those interested may contact NCE directly by calling 714-632-3287 or via e-mail at "nce @ pacbell . net" (without the spaces).

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