Friday, June 26, 2009

Don't believe the hype: Porsche exec says fifth model dropped, financials strong

Despite numerous reports to the contrary, Executive Vice-President for Sales and Marketing Klaus Berning says Porsche is not currently planning a fifth model line at this time. This news shouldn't come as much of a surprise given that the German automaker has its hands full launching its first-ever four-door sedan in the midst of the worst worldwide recession in recent memory. Still, the possibility remains in the future that Porsche could take another look at the sportscar market below the current Boxter and Cayman or even consider dropping a four-cylinder engine option in its standard-bearing 911. After all, Porsche will need to deal with the same increasingly strict pressures to improve fuel efficiency and environmental performance as any other automaker. Further, Berning would like to set the record straight when it comes to Porshce's finances and its oft-talked-about merger with Volkswagen:
In the car business we are one of the very few car makers the world over still writing black figures today... Our operative return on turnover is in the double digit percentage range - a level of profitablity other manufacturers can only dream of. Our brand alone is a precious jewel... believe me, this small manufacturer of exclusive sporting cars is strong - very strong. I promise you that in a symbiosis with the Volkswagen Group Porsche will retain the independence and freedom we need to continue our success in business.
Well now, that sounds definitive, wouldn't you say?

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1 commnets:

DOREMON on June 26, 2009 at 11:37 AM said...

Hi! sorry, this week I am busy for my job so could not visited your blog,have a nice day!!now I am vising to your blog!!

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