Sunday, November 1, 2009

McLaren MP4-12C U.S. launch delayed, not coming to LA Auto Show

According to InsideLine, McLaren is having issues setting up distribution in the U.S., resulting in a delay of the MP4-12C's Stateside launch and its plans to show its newest supercar at the LA Auto Show this December.

Late last month, McLaren appointed Anthony Joseph, former regional manager for Porsche, Ferrari and Maserati, to setup the automaker's dealer network in the U.S., but over the course of the last few weeks McLaren has apparently hit a few roadblocks and it's expected that the creation of retail outlets will be delayed until sometime next year. With the economy in its current state, that may be a blessing in disguise, but that does little to stave off our desire to see the MP4-12C on the show stand.

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